"Unleash Your Creativity" Contest is a CSR initiative organized by Fernand Hosri Group, it is an annual interuniversity competition aiming at gaining Lebanese young talents national and international recognition and experience. The engagement and participation of youth is essential to achieve sustainable development. Often the opportunity for youth to engage economically or socially is inexistent, and in this increasingly competitive international market, it is no longer enough for students to attain excellence from a disciplined technical point of view without hands or experience in the real world. This event, under the Patronage of the Lebanese Ministry of Labor, rapidly gained interest for the past years and attracted prominent partners and sponsors. Top 8 universities in Lebanon participate in the competition and are (in alphabetical order) AUB, AUST, Balamand, LAU, LU, NDU, USEK, USJ, who usually receive a common brief and accordingly present the related Advertising and Marketing plans for evaluation. The selected groups are submitted to coaching sessions by talented professionals before the final event which is covered by local and regional media partners.